the superiority complex is covering up weaknesses and vulnerability in the person that need to be explored and attended to before more serious problems develop. As a result, this may cause them to treat others in ways that are condescending or demeaning, although they don't always have self-awareness to know this is how they are coming across to people, according to licensed mental health counselor Hailey Shafir, M.Ed . Although it might seem counterintuitive, those dealing with a superiority complex will often have underlying feelings of low self-worth that are actually at the heart of their behavior. [3] [4] For example 4 years ago, this time, I was having 7/8 panic attacks/day & was in a bad way. Compare yourself to yourself over time. Now I'm calm & doing ok. That gives me a certain sense of achievement. [1] [2] Individuals with this complex typically come across as supercilious, haughty, and disdainful toward others. Oh poor you, I cant imagine how hard it must be for you. A superiority complex is a defense mechanism that develops over time to help a person cope with feelings of inferiority. But that doesn't help if you are in daily contact with this person -- or even like and love the person. The only way to get rid of a superiority complex is to humble yourself by volunteering to help others in society. Make a list of your actual accomplishments without exaggerating.. People who have this complex often carry exaggerated opinions about themselves. Having a superiority complex doesn't always make someone a bad person. if you compare yourself with people who are doing better than you then you will have inferiority A person with superiority complex is overly confident. #1. There are often deep feelings of inferiority and pain that never seem to go away. For some, therapy can help them work through their feelings of inferiority so they don't have to act out in ways that hurt themselves and others. Being appreciated for something good is motivating and encouraging. Dealing with someone with a superiority complex that thinks they are better than you can be frustrating and challenging. Confront their concept rather than their personality to negate their actions. An employee with an intellectual superiority complex, for instance, may think that they have the highest IQ in the workplace. One way is roll your eyes, show them the palm of your hand and say, "Pull-ease!" Then ignore, avoid or totally cut them off from your life. e.g. Try moving the conversation and situation towards win-win. 6. On the other hand, if we inquire into a superiority complex and study its continuity, we can always find a more or less hidden inferiority complex." Adler's god-bug is made up of two complexes. This is the first point to dealing with them, learn to realize that you cannot change them or their behavior. The person who has superiority complex usually claims that his opinion is always better than others and that he's more important than his peers. He behaves as if he is the boss, while he is not. Opposite of the inferiority complex is superiority complex, but both have almost similar signs. Here are some strategies you can use to build healthy self-esteem without putting yourself down or overestimating your abilities. Many times, I ignore his behavior thinking he has mental problem, let me oversee it. Like Lowery says, it's usually a result of emotional pain. Appreciating someone or being appreciated by others feels good and one should practice it. Having a superiority complex doesn't always make someone a bad person. Try to step away from status and win-lose thinking. For some, therapy can help them work through their feelings. Causes of superiority complex. They will often resist this as they see you winning as them losing. Nothing hurts a superiority complex like the feeling that you're not having any sort of impact. It is still not clear why anybody builds up a superiority complex. By bringing a few changes in your behavior, you are sure to get over your superiority complex. Persist with adult, peer interactions (not parent-child) with them. 1. don't compare - when you compare yourself with others then you will always find people who are better than you or who are doing worse than you. Another option: agree with whatever he says, with a little smirk on your face - not sarcastically, but like you're agreeing with an eight-year-old's ramblings. A good dose of humbleness and humility will work. This one is probably the easiest of the three ways of dealing with these types of people. Below are some ways to overcome the superiority complex: Acceptance The first stage of overcoming the superiority complex is by accepting that you are flawed and recognising the signs.. Part 3 Finding the Power to Change Download Article 1 Overcome the superior tendencies. But I have also noticed that behind this superiority complex there's an . Individual . At worst it is lose-lose. Advertisement. Appreciations Are Not To Be Taken Seriously. Dealing with a boss that has an inferiority complex is especially terrible as they tend to see your airing of ideas and opinions as a way to belittle them. They may treat others in an imperious, overbearing, and even aggressive manner. It's possible to overcome these feelings. For instance, it might be the aftereffect of various disappointments. Causes of superiority complex. this comparison leads to division and create inferiority complex or superiority complex inside you. You need to learn to change your self-defensive need to overcome inferiority and change your feeling of the need to be above others. She has a major inferiority complex, not a superiority one, and in fact she seems completely rudderless, someone who has lost direction in her life. Be direct and assertive when you deal with them, while at the same time, be patient in understanding that this behavior has been molded over a long time and cannot be altered or improved at the drop of a hat. You may become angry and upset that they simply will not listen to anything you have to say and immediately dismiss it. To deal with such a person, try to focus on the brighter side for your sake. Persistent low self-esteem. They tend to demotivate you often, shoot down your ideas and you find yourself in a constant fight to be heard. A person is said to have a superiority complex when they have an overly exaggerated, confident, or inflated view of themselves. In natural psychology we see this phenomenon as unfortunate and in the existential sense absurd but not as a mental illness. At best both people get a little out of most encounters. It may not be a big deal for someone who never had a panic disorder, but it is for me, & that's enough, as it's my life. She probably thinks she can do what she wants coz everyone sympathises with her being childless, and since no one says anythign she gets all . Because the person suffers from feelings of inferiority he compensates by moving in . Various circumstances or incidents might be the main cause behind it. Like Lowery says, it's usually a result of emotional pain. the superiority complex is difficult to live with, it alienates people and ultimately means that the relationships they have are based upon false feelings. A person with an inferiority complex can hide his/her insecurities by using the mask of a superiority complex. Be authentic. While superiority complex is not technically a diagnosis, it is one way people choose to deal with feelings of inferiority. And ego, well too big, small exampleshe would join the call (team meeting) at the end even after the manager has introduced himself. Superiority complex is usually a direct result of an underlying inferiority complex. Understanding why you or someone else might behave this way and learning . The term "superiority complex" is a behavior indicating that an individual believes they're head and shoulders above the rest. Ultimately this means they likely have deep-rooted feelings of depression and sadness.